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Mission Statement
In St Patrick’s Primary School we provide a welcoming, attractive and stimulating environment which supports pupils’ learning and which celebrates their academic and non-academic achievements. We provide a broad and balanced curriculum, which develops the skills, concepts and knowledge necessary for future learning and living. To assist us in our efforts we work in close partnership with our parents. Our staff, through their enthusiasm, dedication and hard work support the pupils in all aspects of their learning.
St Patrick’s Primary School is a Catholic school with strong links to the parish, church and local community. We believe the school to be a vital part of the Catholic community. We are firmly committed to:
- the aims of Catholic education
- providing effective education for all our children
- developing positive effective pastoral care systems in our school
- establishing close links with the home, the parish and the wider community
St. Patrick’s Primary School seeks to establish an educative community, centred on Christ, so that His values and gospel message pervade the whole life of our school. St. Patrick’s welcomes pupils from other faith traditions.
We help our pupils:
- to develop as confident, disciplined and enquiring learners, able to make informed choices and decisions.
- to enjoy reading and to develop a confidence with language which will enable them to communicate effectively with others.
- to develop the skills and knowledge of mathematics to enable them to cope confidently with everyday situations
- to know and understand their world through scientific, historical, geographical and religious inquiry and to come to an understanding of their responsibilities to care for the environment
- to develop practical, creative, artistic and physical skills.
There will be equal opportunities for all children to reach their full potential irrespective of race, gender, age or ability.
This web site is intended to help you to know more about the life of the school. It outlines what we stand for and what we offer the children in this school.
Sean Mc Kinley Principal
St. Patrick's Primary School, Loughgall Rd, Armagh BT61 7NN | T: 028 3752 3773 | E: info@stpatricksps.armagh.ni.sch.uk