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Mathematics & Numeracy
At Saint Patrick’s we encourage pupils to develop a positive attitude towards Numeracy, helping them realise Mathematics has relevance across the curriculum and value in real-life situations.
We provide pupils with a variety of practical learning experiences following the requirements of The Revised Northern Ireland Curriculum. We encourage the development of Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities, through Mathematical activities; playing, exploring and investigating, doing and observing, talking and listening, and asking and answering questions. We know this develops Mathematical skills and Mental Strategies.
Using Interactive Whiteboards in our classrooms and our new Computer Suite, teachers in Saint Patrick’s are confident that these latest technologies are enhancing the teaching and learning of Mathematics for all our pupils.
Mathematics and Numeracy
Maths in Action
St. Patrick's Primary School, Loughgall Rd, Armagh BT61 7NN | T: 028 3752 3773 | E: info@stpatricksps.armagh.ni.sch.uk