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Our School

St Patrick’s Primary School Armagh is a Catholic Council Maintained School (CCMS). It serves families from all areas of Armagh city and the rural neighbourhood. The number of pupils on roll at present is 383. There are currently 17 class teachers, our SENCO, who supports children working in small groups, and principal.
27 classroom assistants are employed to support not only our Foundation Stage children and teachers, but also assist children throughout the school with additional special needs.
St Patrick's also has 2 x Specialist Provision in Mainstream Classes (Learning) - SPiM classes, catering for pupils with specific learning needs.
Classes are of mixed ability groups within the same age range.
The class teacher is concerned not only for the pupil’s educational progress but also for his/her personal and social development and a lot of attention is giving to building self esteem and self confidence.
As a Catholic school, our principal aim is to establish and foster Christian values for life . We aim to create an environment within which children will experience the Christian way of life based on the belief that every child is of equal worth and every person has something positive and unique to contribute.
We believe good discipline is essential in a learning environment and it is our policy to promote and reward good behaviour.
There are lots more for you to discover about our school .
Please take time to explore the various pages and links.
If you require further information about any aspect of school life, please use the contacts below.
Tel: 02837523773
Fax: 02837510878
St. Patrick's Primary School, Loughgall Rd, Armagh BT61 7NN | T: 028 3752 3773 | E: info@stpatricksps.armagh.ni.sch.uk