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St Pat's Samba Band parade in the sunshine.
In the full Armagh sunshine the St Patrick's PS Samba Band took part in the 2016 St Patrick's Day parade through the centre of the city.The children proudly beat their drums , played their bells and kept rhythm with their shakers all the way from the Palace Demesne until they reached the Cathedral gates. Mrs Bennett lead the colourful Samba band and helped keep the beat along with Mrs Thornton, Mrs Darragh and parents and friends of St Patrick's alike. A video clip of the band actually parading on St Patrick's Day will be posted soon. Well done and a big thank you to all pupils, teachers and parents for their help on the day.
St. Patrick's Primary School, Loughgall Rd, Armagh BT61 7NN | T: 028 3752 3773 | E: info@stpatricksps.armagh.ni.sch.uk