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St Patrick's Primary School, Armagh
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Primary 6 visit Hamilton Court Care Home

25th Apr 2024
Over the last two days, several of our Primary 6 pupils have been lucky enough to visit Hamilton Court Armagh as part of Global Intergenerational Week. This is a relationship that was established last year and continues to flourish.

Our very talented pupils shared their love of the arts with the residents of Hamilton Court, participating in art and reading activities, as well as putting on performances of music and dancing!

The children were an enormous credit to their school and their families, really engaging with the residents and staff, showing such care, consideration and compassion when helping them complete their paintings.

Thank you so much to Lucy Hart for facilitating the link-up, and to Mrs McLernon and Miss Gribbin for organising the visit and directing all performances.

Our P6 children who attended, and did St. Patrick's Primary School proud, were:

Art and Reading: Patrick, Eden, Larry, Aoife, Sophie, Maggie, Mila, Narbflaith, Faye, Brian, Senan and Sophia G.

Irish Dancing: Ruby, Caitlin, Emily, Silvena and Paige.

Ballet Dancing: Amber and Sophia B.

Instruments: Isabella and Conor.

Singing: All plus Steven-Og and Danny.

#GIW24 #HomeLife #LinkingGenerations
Linking Generations Northern Ireland