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Primary 2 Nativity Prayer Service
3rd Dec 2024
Congratulations and thank you to our Primary 2 pupils and staff who well and truly got us all into the Christmas spirit this morning, kicking off our Advent celebrations.
Their wonderful Nativity Prayer Service was presented to Governors, parents and family members alike. Anyone lucky enough to be present can only but testify to how proud we all felt to see them reap the rewards of their effort and endeavour. Superb!
A marvellous group of pupils who put on a beautiful show. Well done to all involved. A special mention to the P2 staff who worked so hard to make this morning happen, as well as support staff in school to welcome parents and families.
We look forward for all to come over the next two and a half weeks!
Their wonderful Nativity Prayer Service was presented to Governors, parents and family members alike. Anyone lucky enough to be present can only but testify to how proud we all felt to see them reap the rewards of their effort and endeavour. Superb!
A marvellous group of pupils who put on a beautiful show. Well done to all involved. A special mention to the P2 staff who worked so hard to make this morning happen, as well as support staff in school to welcome parents and families.
We look forward for all to come over the next two and a half weeks!
St. Patrick's Primary School, Loughgall Rd, Armagh BT61 7NN | T: 028 3752 3773 | E: info@stpatricksps.armagh.ni.sch.uk