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Nursery Fundamentals Returns for Local Preschoolers
What a week for the preschoolers of Armagh! Last week, we were privileged to welcome children from our local preschool and playgroup settings: Railway Street Nursery School, Scotwell House Daycare & Nursery, College Farm Nursery School, Dara Preschool, The Firs Playgroup and Naíscoil Na Caille from Desart Lodge Nursery.
They were invited in to participate in our annual and ever-popular Nursery Fundamentals Programme, superbly organised and facilitated by Mr O’Hare along with his assistant Mrs Kinane, our secretary Mrs Toner and the P7 pupils from Mr O’Hare’s class.
It was our pleasure to welcome so many wonderful children through our doors for the first time this week. We hope the staff of all six settings, and the families of the children, are extremely proud of the kids - what a fantastic bunch!
Hopefully we will see many of them again this week with their parents for our Open Days before welcoming them for the start of their school journey next September.
St. Patrick's Primary School, Loughgall Rd, Armagh BT61 7NN | T: 028 3752 3773 | E: info@stpatricksps.armagh.ni.sch.uk