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Mc Geeney Cup Teams
Our boys’ and girls’ Gaelic football teams were out in the sunshine lately playing competitive matches in the Malachy McGeeney large school 11-a-side memorial competition. Forty four P6 and P7 children made up four teams who battled through the group stages showing their great skills and enjoying their football down at Sherry’s Field in the city. Well done to all. Unfortunately we only have photos of our Girls’ A and B teams and our Boys’s A team. The boys B team photo was accidentally deleted. Apologies. Thanks also to Mrs Kinane who helped Mr O’Hare on the morning and also St Mary’s University College Belfast students Cathal Agnew and Luke McKeever for taking a team each on the day too.
St. Patrick's Primary School, Loughgall Rd, Armagh BT61 7NN | T: 028 3752 3773 | E: info@stpatricksps.armagh.ni.sch.uk