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St Patrick's Primary School, Armagh
P1 Applications EA Connect portal open for P1 Applications. 12 noon Friday 10th January- 12 noon Friday 24th January 2025
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March Award Assemblies

11th Apr 2024
A new month brings with it another opportunity to celebrate all of the wonderful learning and new experiences that took place in school over the previous month.
An assembly that everyone always looks forward to, it was yet another reminder of just how much goes on in our school each day. Mr McKinley, the teachers and all of the pupils had the chance to hear about pupils who have stretched and challenged themselves in class. 
We heard about new learning in Maths involving mental arithmetic, fractions and measures. 
We heard about fantastically descriptive and exciting pieces of creative writing about haunted houses and desert islands. 
We heard about magnificent pieces of art that wowed teachers. 
We heard about show-stopping assembly performances.
Most pleasingly of all, we heard all about the terrifically selfless acts of kindness, respect, care and friendship that go on in our school each and every day.
We are enormously proud of each of our pupils and the way they live their lives in St. Patrick's. Congratulations to all of our award winners - we look forward to next month's assembly so we can hear even more about what's been going on.