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St Patrick's Primary School, Armagh
P1 Applications EA Connect portal open for P1 Applications. 12 noon Friday 10th January- 12 noon Friday 24th January 2025
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Meet the 'Gardening Squad'

12th Sep 2017

In St. Patrick's we aim for the children to enjoy lots of hands-on experience of growing and actively encourage general life long practical skills.  In the school grounds we grow fruit, vegetables and flowers which all need a lot of care and attention.  The 'Gardening Squad' are on hand to help Seamus our caretaker with general maintenance work and gardening around the school grounds.  

The children have helped develop our vegetable garden by fencing it off, laying plastic sheeting, shovelling gravel stones and painting - although it was back breaking work the children really enjoyed it!  This year we will to continue with our vegetable growing which help children learn more about food production and hope to grow plants which appeal to all the senses.