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St Patrick's Primary School, Armagh
P1 Applications EA Connect portal open for P1 Applications. 12 noon Friday 10th January- 12 noon Friday 24th January 2025
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Green Flag Award Success!

20th Aug 2020

We are delighted to share the news that our school has been successful in our recent application for Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful's "Eco-Schools NI Green Flag Award."

We would like to say a huge congratulations to the pupils on our school's Eco-Committee who worked to ensure our school became a more eco-friendly setting for learning. They have had many responsibilities over the last few years: attending meetings; sharing their thoughts, ideas and opinions; monitoring water and electricity usage in school; delivering assemblies to their fellow pupils; assisting with waste reduction and recycling; and encouraging greater levels of active travelling to school. These are just some examples of the work they have put in. Our Eco-Committee, and indeed all past members dating back to 2016, should be very proud of their success.

As a school, we would also like to thank Dave Wiggins of Sustrans NI for all of the help and support he has given to St. Patrick's in the last few years with regards to our increasing active travel initiative. His input has been greatly appreciated.

The awarding of this Green Flag is something for our school and pupils to be proud of, and is something that must be built on in the coming years as we continue to make our school more eco-friendly; make our pupils more aware of the impact of climate change on the planet; and do our best to help keep Northern Ireland beautiful. Congratulations!