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St Patrick's Primary School, Armagh

First Holy Communion for P4 and LSC

17th May 2024
This time last week, the final preparations were being put in place for our Primary 4 and LSC pupils who were getting ready to receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion for the first time. 🙏🏻

Congratulations to all of our boys and girls who made their First Holy Communion. Thank you to all of them for their reverence, respect and immaculate behaviour on such an important day on their Journey of Faith. It was a truly wonderful day spent amongst friends and family.

A special word of thanks to all of the teaching and classroom support staff in Primary 4 and LSC for the many days and hours spent helping to guide our pupils towards this day. Their relentless work, care and guidance ensured that everyone was prepared for such a special day.

Thank you also to Father Barry for being a source of support to our school throughout the preparations and for leading us all in such a beautiful mass.

We must also note the incredible musical talents of our school choir, with pupils from P5-P7, and our tin-whistlers, all who were prepared in great detail by Mrs King, Orla Nugent and Sara-Jane Kelly this term. 🎵

Have a look below at a selection of some of the photos snapped on that beautiful day and their party back at school on Monday. 📸