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St Patrick's Primary School, Armagh
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Eco-Committee Adopt A Spot

27th Feb 2023

Our school’s Eco-Committee were outside today helping to clean up our local area. As part of Live Here Love Here’s #AdoptASpot scheme, our committee members have taken on the responsibility of trying to help keep our “Adopted Spot” nice and tidy.

The committee spent the afternoon litter-picking from our school gates along the road to Armatile. They then made their way along Station Road (tidying as they went) to Armagh City, Banbridge & Craigavon Borough Council’s Waste and Recycling Centre, where their very helpful staff were delighted to see the kids and take the bags off them.

Hats off to our Eco-Committee; it was a good job that was well done. #KeepItTidy