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St Patrick's Primary School, Armagh
P1 Applications EA Connect portal open for P1 Applications. 12 noon Friday 10th January- 12 noon Friday 24th January 2025
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Ditch the Dark Day

24th Nov 2017

This year St.Patrick's Primary School is participating in a Sustrans programme called 'Active Travel'. We are working towards gaining our bronze level. To promote safe and active means of travelling to school we celebrated 'Ditch the Dark' day on Friday 24th November.  We all wore bright clothes along with our free hi vis vests, curtsy of Sustrans and many of us walked to school.  There were Christmas lights on hats, light up shoes that charge, tinsel and lots more wonderful bright accessories.

We had a special assembly, led by our Eco Committee and Dave Wiggins, our Active Schools Officer.  Dave was a lot of fun and gave us lots of information about why active travel to school is so important.  He brought along his trusted friend 'Buzz 5 Gear' (his fold up bike) which the children really enjoyed.

A big thank you to all who contributed £1 towards Eco projects, the grand total came to £343. Many thanks to everyone who participated and helped us raise awareness of safe travel to school as the days become darker.